I am writing to you today in opposition to HB 883.  This proposal will eliminate the philosophical exemption to mandatory vaccines for schoolchildren and place an unreasonable burden on the citizens of Pennsylvania employing the philosophical exemption.

Historically Pennsylvania has been a haven for religious freedom.  Since the 1960’s it has also allowed medical freedom regarding vaccines by allowing a philosophical exemption to immunizations.  My organization, the Chiropractic Fellowship of PA, was instrumental in obtaining that exemption.

I am urging you to prevent this bill from proceeding on grounds of freedom.  I do not deny the science of vaccines, that they do prevent disease and save lives.  I am asking to preserve the freedom to limit or modify the schedule (68 doses of vaccines before graduating high school) at the parent’s discretion.  I am asking that no burdens be put on those objecting to vaccines on religious grounds, either.

The science of vaccines must be put in perspective, especially the claim that the unvaccinated endanger infants and those with a compromised immune system.  As the recent article in JAMA Pediatrics illustrated, in excess of 80% of the measles cases in Disneyland were fully vaccinated against the measles.  The vaccine was not protective.  Since a recently vaccinated child sheds measles (for six weeks after the acellular vaccine) it is statistically likely that a vaccinated child started the Disneyland epidemic.  The number of unvaccinated children in PA is not statistically significant compared to the number of vaccinated that the measles vaccine does not protect.  Indeed, recently vaccinated children are more of a threat to those with immune compromise.  Published medical advice (like the Johns Hopkins Hospital Patient Information Care at Home for the Immunocompromised Patient) recommends “Avoid contact with children who were recently vaccinated.”

Please consider the religious and medical freedoms that are lost in this bill as compared to the limitations of vaccines and their effectiveness.

In health,

David B Smith, DC

President, Chiropractic Fellowship of PA



I am writing to you today in opposition to SB 407.  This proposal is listed as an effort to comply with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Efforts to control and prevent disease should always be applauded, but this proposal will involve great expense and effort with little chance of effectiveness.  Regarding the expense, making the injectable as well as the needle-free delivery available in a sterile and hygienic environment within schools is quite a burden for the limited nursing staff.  Regarding effectiveness, the CDC admits that the most recent vaccine season (2014-2015) the vaccine was only 19% effective. 

As with any mass medical treatment there is the issue of safety for the individuals involved in the procedure.  The federal government has compensated vaccine damaged children and adults over 3 billion dollars since Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.  Although that seems like a high number, the federal government has fined the industry that manufactures vaccines 19.2 billion dollars just in the past five years for criminal and civil fraud penalties. 

The recommendations for this proposal come from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, a committee that has been criticized for having close ties to the industry manufacturing vaccines.  The recommendations, if adopted by each state, would certainly enhance the profits of the vaccine industry.  Encouraging an annual flu shot for each child, starting before their first birthday and continuing until the age of 18, would certainly stress the immune system for even the healthiest child.  These injections would be in addition to the present recommendation of 69 doses for 16 different viral and bacterial illnesses.

Please consider the the limitations of influenza vaccines and vote against SB 407

In health,

David B Smith, DC

President, Chiropractic Fellowship of PA